Thursday, September 11, 2008

'Chapter 1-2'

In these chapters, the prophecy comes to be and an oppressive government comes into power and oppressed the weak and the destitute. This may be one of God's bigger pet peeves. His justice is horribly offended when a strong person or group oppresses a weak person or group. So, at this point the Amorites have become so wicked that God, in His righteousness, has deemed them irredeemable. If He really is God, he knows when people are not going to come back. He does not go willy nilly destroying people, as evidenced in Jonah, which we'll get to. So, the Israelites cry out to God to save them from oppression. God has a soft spot for the children of His followers. So Israel's children ask to be delivered from oppression and they are. God raises up Moses. God's way of doing things should become apparent soon. I'll make a post soon just on the concept of vocation, as Moses is a great example. So Moses is raised up by God to lead Israel and he ends up through some exquisitely planned moves by God living as a son of the princess of Egypt. Moses saw an Egyptian mistreating an Israelite and he killed the man. He takes on one of God's characteristics in hating oppression, but he reacts wrongly, on his own. Let this sink in as a sign of how important faith is. Faith allows us to approach the horribleness that is sometimes manifest in life with the greatest strategist and biggest strong arm on our side. If we kill the oppressor and bury him in the sand, then we can ruin our chance of God bringing us in to fix things with all the armies of Heaven behind us. So at this murder being revealed to Pharoah, he flees to a place called Midian and gets a local woman for a wife. His father-in-law exemplifies something that we will see again and again, but I'll come back to the righteous outsider later.

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