Monday, March 10, 2008

'Chapters 4-11'

To jump ahead so as to give some hope, this is the gospel, all the hope of paradise that we had before our nasty Fall is available to us right now. All the holes have been patched and the relationship stands at point zero, nay better, because Christ has done a great work. This, to differ with many who call themselves Christians and some who are, is not in some other dimension of Heaven or even in the future. All the hope of freedom is here now. Christ has broken the chains and the sinner walks free. This may seem poetic and grand, as opposed to realistic and analytical, but by nature it must be a little prosaic, because this is not a treatise, but a story. All knowledge of God and indeed everything is bound in a story, but that's another, very important point.
I'm going to try to escape this assumption that you understand this whole thing already. As soon as G-d saw what we had done, He made His first prophecy concerning His Redemption. 'I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.' In this, G-d promises that one day a son of man would rise up against evil and free us. So G-d begins by trying to patch up His relationship with man, before it gets too bad. But, the second man, the first man's son, killed his brother and thus the distance between G-d and man increased. Man became horrible and wretched, but eventually G-d decided that man had gone too far off track. He sought to correct this by starting over. But He found one righteous man who followed Him and thus G-d spared him to start over. This is Noah. God flooded the whole world and killed all but eight people. He did this to wipe the slate clean and give man another chance. There is a whole other theory and idea behind this that I'll discuss later.
So God began by making a deal with that one righteous man. He said that He wouldn't kill all of us and they would try to follow Him. This righteous man was not completely righteous and his family split drastically and man was again in trouble. It was not long before man was getting delusions of grandeur again and trying to make towers to Heaven, forgetting all about the deal they made.
So God began to look for the best man to use to start His rescue attempt. He must have tried dozens, but finally Terah of Ur agreed to leave all the corruption of his people and set out to start a godly people. Terah didn't make it far, but after Terah died, God used a principle that served him very well. He picked the son of one who loved him.
That man's story is for next time. He is the first step in this whole plan to make things right.

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