Thursday, March 6, 2008


          This is my first post. I do not believe anyone else can claim to be the founder of the New Romantic movement. It turns out Neo-Romanticism does exist, but I prefer to use the English morphology anyway. It seems more modern and more in line with the non-classical movement that Romanticism was. Therefore, we are not Neo but New Romantics. The terms Romanticism and Romantic have a wide semantic range, and can thus be tricky to define. But our movement cannot procede without reference to the English, French, and German Romantics of the first Romantic movement. So with the ambiguous term, Romantic, we begin.

          Romanticism is not just an artistic movement or a philosophical ideal; it is a worldview. I'd like to say that, as I envision it, New Romanticism is primarily a Christian movement as our subtitle probably makes clear, but I do not want to limit it. If anyone sees our general ideas and thinks they work in a Muslim or a Buddhist context, etc., I would be glad to hear it. As I said though, I think it makes most sense in a Christian context. Thus I define us as believing a good Creation, a bad Fall, and a great Redemption. I will explain these terms in posts to come. Thank you all who come to the site.

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